Thursday, July 11, 2024

Project Bismuth

Bismuth aimed to be a fast pace action roguelike battler. I joined the team and made these contributions:

- establish character content pipelines
- set and integrate skeleton/skinning for all the enemy, character and outfit models into the game
- incorporate performant solution for performant runtime character customization plugin
- modified game systems related to weapons, UI and Animation retargeting for character customization art goals
- setup physics settings for character dynamics

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Maya Tools Demo

The bar for quality for characters on Quantum Break was high, but with a small team and the large amount of content required to hit that mark, there was a need develop tools and systems to help the team produce the best results as efficiently as possible. These were some of my contributions to the project.

Maya Tools from Omar Amador on Vimeo.

MotionBuilder Tools Demo

During my time at Remedy Entertainment working on Quantum Break, I had a hand in establishing the MotionBuilter toolset to manage the massive amounts of motion capture data for the dozens of cinematics sequences and hundreds of gameplay animations that made up the game.

MotionBuilder Tools from Omar Amador on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dialog Tool Demo

We had a major hurdle to overcome near the end of Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two, involving a good deal of work needing to be done in a short amount of time. This is a tool demo of the solution I co-developed to help process all the spoken dialog and gestural animation for the characters of the game. Consider watching this video in HD on the Vimeo site to be able to see the text.

Dialog Tool from Omar Amador on Vimeo.

Technical Animator Demo Reel

Reel Breakdown

Robot Guardian
I rigged the robot, modeled and designed by Till Aschwanden and animated by Jared Freitag, for the same project now in production with 9K9 Studios. The rigging process had to be flexible enough to allow Till to continue working on the model without having it stall production and animation, this being the main challenge addressed early in production considering a character built out of many objects. Other tasks range from writing expressions to animate the movements of the pistons and gears to getting full functionality out of the hydrolics.

This piece was done as a part of a production test for the studio Rhythm and Hues. The model and texturing was done by Pakavich Buranabutr, the fur was done by Adam Dorner, animation was done by Oscar Ojeda and Henry Hoang. I rigged and setup the muscle system for the furry little guy.

Exodus Test
I rigged and animated the garlic pod and creeper for The Art Institute's game production team, Game Wizards, for the game Exodus. I was involved with the game from the pitching phase and plan to see it to completion as Animation Lead. Along with animating for the project, I also participated in modeling and testing out concepts and working out how to achieve the ideas while meeting the requirements for them to function in the game engine.

 I rigged and animated the model, done by Solomon Gaitan for The Art Institute's game production team, Game Wizards, for the game Exodus. A full body rig was done for the entire model, with a strong focus placed on facial deformation. The entire face is deformed by joints, over 100, to allow for more flexiblity and a wider range of expresions.

 Along with createing a fully funtional rig that was capable of FK/IK blending, stretching IK, and sliding along an animated curve; I also developed both a script that automated the process for the setup of a stretchy IK system and the FK/IK blending system. The script uses a combination of Maya's Embeded Language (MEL) and Python.

I designed, modeled and rigged J.I.M.M.Y. the robot for a 3D visual effect piece. The focus for him was getting full functionality from all the mechanical gears and pistons. Using a combination of expressions and constraints, the geometry was bound to the rig.

I designed, modeled and rigged Peanut as a concept piece for my 3D short,Home Town Heroes. The focus of the rig was to have a setup that allow key framed animation and also automated animation, driven by dynamic joints using hair follicles and also by using animated textures.